05/31/1974 (51 Years)
Constituency Name
Moran (Assam) constituency,at Serial no 365 in Part no 155
Father Name
Late Kanak Gogoi
Educational Details
Post Graduate (M.A Passed)
09864076300 , 9706010016
Spouse Name
Monalish Gogoi
Spouse Professtion
Honorary Faculty At Assam School Of Journalism And Freelance Writer

Personal Life & Political Career

Monorom Gogoi (Born31May1974) Jorhat,Assam.He is Unsucessfully contestent to the 16th Lok Sabha from Jorhat (Lok Sabha constituency),Assam.He Loss the Indian general election,2014 a Aam Aadmi Party Candidate.He is Ex-Deputy Editor DY365 by Profession.He is Married to Monalish Gogoi.

Details of PAN and status of Income Tax return*

Relation Type PAN Given Financial Year Total Income Shown in ITR
self Y 2013 - 2014 Rs 3,45,340 ~ 3 Lacs+
spouse Y None Rs 0 ~
dependent1 N None Rs 0 ~
dependent2 N None Rs 0 ~
dependent3 N None Rs 0 ~

Details of Criminal Cases*

No criminal cases

Details of Movable Assets*

Sr No Description self spouse dependent1 dependent2 dependent3
i Cash 2,000  2 Thou+
5,000  5 Thou+
Nil Nil Nil Rs 7,000
7 Thou+
ii Deposits in Banks, Financial Institutions and Non-Banking Financial Companies Saving Deposit,Axis Bank A/C No-140010100253765 Guwahati Br. Dispur
20,468  20 Thou+
Union Bank Chandmari Br., A/C No-380602010016945
13,557  13 Thou+

SBI,Chenikuti Br., A/C No-30819308467
8,284  8 Thou+
Nil Nil Nil Rs 42,309
42 Thou+
iii Bonds, Debentures and Shares in companies Nil SBI Mutual Fund, Follio No-9809388,Nav On 19/03/2014
38,122  38 Thou+
Nil Nil Nil Rs 38,122
38 Thou+
iv (a)
NSS, Postal Savings etc
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
LIC or other insurance Policies
LIC Policy No-482946976 Date Of Commencement 28/01/2004
46,414  46 Thou+

Policy No-482344462 On Date 18/03/2014
29,342  29 Thou+

Policy No-483144800 Value On 18/03/2014
61,679  61 Thou+

Policy No-486168813 D.O.C 25/10/2012
19,168  19 Thou+
LIC Policy No-482181222 Date Of Commencement 28/01/2001
23,291  23 Thou+

LIC Policy No-484979992 DOC 27/08/2009
14,881  14 Thou+

SBI Life Insurance Policy No-27008053804 Total Premium Paid
11,000  11 Thou+
Nil Nil Nil Rs 2,05,775
2 Lacs+
v Personal loans/advance given Housing Loan
14,00,000  14 Lacs+

Adv To Builder And Booked A Flat At Sonai Mikir Path,Guwahati
1,00,000  1 Lacs+
Nil Nil Nil Nil Rs 15,00,000
15 Lacs+
vi Motor Vehicles (details of make, etc.) Maruti Suzuki Alto,LX Reg No-AS01AA2517 Model No-2006
3,00,000  3 Lacs+

Maruti Suzuki Ritz LX,No-AS01BE9989,Model No-2013
5,01,959  5 Lacs+
Nil Nil Nil Nil Rs 8,01,959
8 Lacs+
vii Jewellery (give details weight value) Gold Finger Ring,5 Gm
16,500  16 Thou+
Neck Less-01 NOS,1 Tola
38,000  38 Thou+

Gold Fibger Ring-03NOS,09 Ans
22,000  22 Thou+

Ear Ring 04 Pair,16 Ans
38,000  38 Thou+
Nil Nil Nil Rs 1,14,500
1 Lacs+
viii Other assets, such as values of claims / interests Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Gross Total Value (as per Affidavit) 24,97,530  24 Lacs+ 2,12,135  2 Lacs+ Nil Nil Nil Rs 27,09,665
27 Lacs+
Totals (Calculated as Sum of Values) Rs 24,97,530
24 Lacs+
Rs 2,12,135
2 Lacs+
Nil Nil Nil Rs 27,09,665
27 Lacs+

Details of Immovable Assets*

Details of Liabilities*

Note:(*) This information is based on affidavit filled by candidates in 2014 Lok Sabha Elections. Latest data will be displayed once available.

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