Indian Political arena is always in limelight but it gets super special attention during elections. It may be state elections or center but as soon as the season approaches all the political parties strive hard to get the attention and votes of the innocent civilians. Since the British left India – we have seen rise of many political parties and political families. During these years some of the individual & families have become so powerful that they treat the top posts in democracy like their birth right. In a recent example in a state two sons who are not even high school educated occupied ministerial positions easily which was a slap to the entire educated youth of India.

On the other hand, the common citizen of India, struggles hard to achieve education, a good earning job and a safe and secure future for his family. The Reason – We the Indians decide to vote for the candidate who may be corrupt but a little better than previous one. Or some of us even have a logic-less devotion to a particular party or person.

Now is the time to utilize information and make logical decision. There is a hope in each vote and every vote counts. If we as Indians decide on vote based on facts & figures rather than rumors and false promises we may slowly and gradually change the society.

This Web portal is just the first step towards that informed decision. Let's join the movement towards more logical and rational politics in India Jai Hind.

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