Rajiv Pratap Rudy, born March 30, 1962) is an Indian politician, representing the Bharatiy...
Bal Mukund Chauhan (Born06Jan1972) Saran,Bihar.He is Unsucessfully contestent to the 16th ...
Chandan Kumar (Born06Jan1984) Saran,Bihar. He is Unsucessfully contestent to the 16th Lok ...
Lallan Prasad (Born06Jan1956) Saran,Bihar. He is Unsucessfully contestent to the 16th Lok ...
Lalu Rai (Born06Jan1979) Saran,Bihar.He is Unsucessfully contestent to the 16th Lok Sabha ...
Niraj Ram (Born06Jan1989) Saran,Bihar.He is Unsucessfully contestent to the 16th Lok Sabha...
Parmatama Singh (Born06Jan1958) Saran,Bihar.He is Unsucessfully contestent to the 16th Lok...
Rabri Devi Yadav (born in 1956) is an Indian politician from the state of Bihar. She is a ...
Rajesh Kumar (Born06Jan1985) Saran,Bihar.He is Unsucessfully contestent to the 16th Lok Sa...
Ranjan Kumar (Born06Jan1991) Saran,Bihar.He is Unsucessfully contestent to the 16th Lok Sa...