Shailesh Kumar Urph Bulo Mandal is a member of parliament from Bhagalpur (Lok Sabha consti...
Abu Qaiser (Born31May1978) Bhagalpur,Bihar.He is Unsucessfully contestent to the 16th Lok ...
Anand Kumar Jain (Born31May1966) Bhagalpur,Bihar.He is Unsucessfully contestent to the 16t...
Gaurav Kumar Ghosh (Born31May1966) Bhagalpur,Bihar.He is Unsucessfully contestent to the 1...
Indradeo Kumar Singh (Born31May1983) Bhagalpur,Bihar.He is Unsucessfully contestent to the...
Kumkum Singh (Born31May1961) Bhagalpur,Bihar.She is Unsucessfully contestent to the 16th L...
Mahadev Kumar (Born31May1961) Bhagalpur,Bihar.He is Unsucessfully contestent to the 16th L...
Naushaba Khanam (Born31May1985) Bhagalpur,Bihar.She is Unsucessfully contestent to the 16t...
Nishi Kant Mandal (Born31May1990) Bhagalpur,Bihar.He is Unsucessfully contestent to the 16...
Pro.Yogendra Mahto (Born31May1963) Bhagalpur,Bihar.He is Unsucessfully contestent to the 1...