06/01/1976 (49 Years)
Constituency Name
133, Samastipur, Bihar (Bihar) constituency,at Serial no 483 in Part no 174
Father Name
Bachha Babu Giri
Educational Details
Post Graduate (Literate.)
Spouse Professtion

Personal Life & Political Career

Prem Lata Devi (Born06Jan1976) Ujiarpur,Bihar. She is Unsucessfully contestent to the 16th Lok Sabha from Ujiarpur (Lok Sabha constituency),Bihar. She Loss the Indian general election,2014 a Jai Prakash Janata Dal Party Candidate. She is Social Worker by Profession.

Details of PAN and status of Income Tax return*

Details of Criminal Cases*

No criminal cases

Details of Movable Assets*

Sr No Description self spouse dependent1 dependent2 dependent3
i Cash 77,250  77 Thou+
21,600  21 Thou+
Nil Nil Nil Rs 98,850
98 Thou+
ii Deposits in Banks, Financial Institutions and Non-Banking Financial Companies Nil Bank of India Branch Kevas Jagir Saving A/c No. 497010110000993
300  3 Hund+
Nil Nil Nil Rs 300
3 Hund+
iii Bonds, Debentures and Shares in companies Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
iv (a)
NSS, Postal Savings etc
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
LIC or other insurance Policies
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
v Personal loans/advance given Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
vi Motor Vehicles (details of make, etc.) Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
vii Jewellery (give details weight value) Gold 3 Bhar
94,000  94 Thou+

Silver 12 Bhar
4,800  4 Thou+
Nil Nil Nil Nil Rs 98,800
98 Thou+
viii Other assets, such as values of claims / interests Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Gross Total Value (as per Affidavit) 1,76,050  1 Lacs+ 21,900  21 Thou+ Nil Nil Nil Rs 1,97,950
1 Lacs+
Totals (Calculated as Sum of Values) Rs 1,76,050
1 Lacs+
Rs 21,900
21 Thou+
Nil Nil Nil Rs 1,97,950
1 Lacs+

Details of Immovable Assets*

Details of Liabilities*

Note:(*) This information is based on affidavit filled by candidates in 2014 Lok Sabha Elections. Latest data will be displayed once available.

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