06/01/1953 (72 Years)
Constituency Name
40 Dhanbad (Jharkhand) constituency , at Serial no 320 in Part no 192
Father Name
Late Gauri Shankar Singh
Educational Details
Graduate (B.Sc. From R.S.P College Jharia Under Ranchi University In Year 1970)
9431115697, 09013180201, 03262300030, 011-23352666
Spouse Name
Spouse Professtion
House Wife

Personal Life & Political Career

Pashupati Nath Singh (born 11 July 1949) is an Indian politician belonging to Bharatiya Janata Party. He is a member of the Indian Parliament, and currently represents Dhanbad (Lok Sabha constituency)

Details of PAN and status of Income Tax return*

Relation Type PAN Given Financial Year Total Income Shown in ITR
self Y 2012 - 2013 Rs 6,40,592 ~ 6 Lacs+
spouse N None Rs 0 ~
dependent1 N None Rs 0 ~
dependent2 N None Rs 0 ~
dependent3 N None Rs 0 ~

Details of Charges Framed*

Serial No. IPC Sections Applicable Other Details / Other Acts / Sections Applicable
---------No Cases--------

Details of Cognizance Taken*

Serial No. IPC Sections Applicable Other Details / Other Acts / Sections Applicable
1 188 Case No. 3702 Of 2009 Dt, 13.11.2010, Shri Manoranjan Kumar, J.M. 1st Class G.R., Disobedient To The Order Promulgated 144 Cr. P.C By The SDM

Details of Convicted*

Serial No. IPC Sections Applicable Other Details / Other Acts / Sections Applicable
---------No Cases--------

Details of Movable Assets*

Sr No Description self spouse dependent1 dependent2 dependent3 Total
i Cash 2,50,000  2 Lacs+
50,000  50 Thou+
Nil Nil Nil Rs 3,00,000
3 Lacs+
ii Deposits in Banks, Financial Institutions and Non-Banking Financial Companies Central Bank Of India Dhanbad S/B A/C No. 1486200974
1,88,361  1 Lacs+

State Bank Of India Doranda Branch S/B A/C No. 10923726575
55,212  55 Thou+

State Bank Of India Parliament House New Delhi Branch S/B A/C No. 30776058557
17,27,747  17 Lacs+

Insuind Bank Ltd. Dhanbad Branch S/B A/C No. 100022200788
5,53,429  5 Lacs+

State Bank Of India. Hirapur Branch S/B A/C No. 01190013310
786  7 Hund+

Central Bank Of India dhanbad Branch S/B A/C No. 3332864021
75,831  75 Thou+
Nil Nil Nil Nil Rs 26,01,366
26 Lacs+
iii Bonds, Debentures and Shares in companies Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
iv (a)
NSS, Postal Savings etc
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
LIC or other insurance Policies
LIC Policy No. 540426977, Premium 11983
2,00,000  2 Lacs+

LIC Policy No. 542288398, Premium 34800
5,00,000  5 Lacs+
Nil Nil Nil Nil Rs 7,00,000
7 Lacs+
v Personal loans/advance given Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
vi Motor Vehicles (details of make, etc.) Scorpio Jeep Mahindra Make Year Of Purchase 2012, Registration No. JH 10AF 0027
11,50,000  11 Lacs+
Nil Nil Nil Nil Rs 11,50,000
11 Lacs+
vii Jewellery (give details weight value) Nil 10 Tolla
8,40,000  8 Lacs+
Nil Nil Nil Rs 8,40,000
8 Lacs+
viii Other assets, such as values of claims / interests Revolver (One) Make Indian Ordinance Small Gun Factory. Kanpur
70,000  70 Thou+
Nil Nil Nil Nil Rs 70,000
70 Thou+
Gross Total Value (as per Affidavit) 41,21,150  41 Lacs+ 8,90,000  8 Lacs+ Nil Nil Nil Rs 50,11,150
50 Lacs+
Totals (Calculated as Sum of Values) Rs 47,71,366
47 Lacs+
Rs 8,90,000
8 Lacs+
Nil Nil Nil Rs 56,61,366
56 Lacs+

Details of Immovable Assets*

Details of Liabilities*

Note:(*) This information is based on affidavit filled by candidates in 2014 Lok Sabha Elections. Latest data will be displayed once available.

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